Jagadguru Sankaracharya of Sringeri - Introduction to Advaita Vedanta
Introduction to Advaita Vedanta
Links for Jagadguru Sri Sankaracharya of Sringeri's 15 part introduction to Advaita Vedanta are provided below.
Vedanta 1 of 15: Eligibility for Vedantic Study & Practice
Vedanta 2 of 15: Six Qualities of an Aspirant of Vedanta
Vedanta 3 of 15: Qualities of a Disciple
Vedanta 4 of 15: The Attitude of a Sincere Seeker
Vedanta 5 of 15: Essence of Advaita & Understanding Creation
Vedanta 6 of 15: Material & Instrumental Cause of the World
Vedanta 7 of 15: Understanding Advaita & Mithya
Vedanta 8 of 15: Cause: Brahman, Effect: The World
Vedanta 9 of 15: The Nature of Ishwara
Vedanta 10 of 15: Is Akasha (Ether) Brahman Too?
Vedanta 11 of 15: Understanding Karma & Its Purpose
Vedanta 12 of 15: Jnana: Path to Moksha, Even For Devas
Vedanta 13 of 15: Identity of Brahman & Jiva
Vedanta 14 of 15: Clarifications on Sadhana
Vedanta 15 of 15: Further Clarifications on Jnana & Jnani