॥ शान्ति पाठः॥
|| śānti pāṭhaḥ ||
ॐ सह नाववतु। सह नौ भुनक्तु। सह वीर्यं करवावहै। तेजस्वि नावधीतमस्तु। मा विद्विषावहै॥ ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः॥ |
om saha nāvavatu | saha nau bhunaktu | saha vīryaṁ karavāvahai | tejasvi nāvadhītamastu | mā vidviṣāvahai || om śāntiḥ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ || |
sah — he; ha — indeed; nau — us two; avatu — may protect; sah — he; ha — verily; nau — us two; bhunaktu — may nourish; saha — (we two) together; viryam karavavahai — may acquire the capacity (to study and understand the scriptures); adhitam — what is studied; tejasvi — (be) brilliant; nau — for us; astu — let it be; ma vidvisavahai — may we not have disputes with each other |
May he protect us (both). May he nourish us (both). May we (both) acquire the capacity (to study and understand the scriptures). May our study be brilliant. May we (both) not have disputes with at each other. |
Chanted for Katha, Narayana, Mahanarayana, Kena, Kalisantarana Upanishads. |
ॐ पूर्णमदः पूर्णमिदं पूर्णात् पूर्णमुदच्यते । पूर्णस्य पूर्णमादाय पूर्णमेवावशिष्यते ॥ ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥ |
om pūrṇamadaḥ pūrṇamidaṁ pūrṇāt pūrṇamudacyate | pūrṇasya pūrṇamādāya pūrṇamevāvaśiṣyate || om śāntiḥ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ || |
purnamadah — that (Brahman) is full (limitless); purnamidam — this (apparent world) is full; purnat purnamudacyate — from (Brahman which is) fullness, this (apparent world which is also) fullness is born; purnasya purnamadaya — after bringing (out) this full (apparent world) from fullness (Brahman); purnameva — fullness alone; avasisyate — remains |
That (Brahman) is fullness. This (apparent creation) is also fullness. From fullness (Brahman), this full (apparent creation) comes about. After bringing (out) this full (apparent creation) from fullness, fullness (Brahman) alone remains. |
Chanted for Isavasya, Svetavatara, Brihadaranyaka upanishads. |
ॐ शं नो मित्रः शं वरुणः। शं नो भवत्वर्यमा। शं न इन्द्रो बृहस्पतिः। शं नो विष्णुरुरुक्रमः। नमो ब्रह्मणे नमस्ते वायो। त्वमेव प्रत्यक्शं ब्रह्मासि। त्वमेव प्रत्यक्शं ब्रह्म वदिष्यामि। ऋतं वदिष्यामि सत्यं वदिष्यामि। तन्मामवतु तद्वक्तारमवतु। अवतु मामवतु वक्तारम्॥ ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः॥ |
om śaṁ no mitraḥ śaṁ varuṇaḥ | śaṁ no bhavatvaryamā | śaṁ na indro bṛhaspatiḥ | śaṁ no viṣṇururukramaḥ | namo brahmaṇe namaste vāyo | tvameva pratyakśaṁ brahmāsi | tvameva pratyakśaṁ brahma vadiṣyāmi | ṛtaṁ vadiṣyāmi satyaṁ vadiṣyāmi | tanmāmavatu tadvaktāramavatu | avatu māmavatu vaktāram || om śāntiḥ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ || |
May Mitra and Varuna be blissful to us; May Aryama(one of the Adityas) be blissful to us; May Indra and Brihaspati be blissful to us; May Vishnu of vast strides grant us happiness; O Vayu‟ salutation unto you; Thou art verily Brahman immediate; I shall call thee alone as immediate Brahman; I shall call you Rita or righteousness. I shall call you Truth. May that Brahman protect the teacher! May it protect me! May it protect the teacher! |
Chanted for Taittiriya Upanishad. |
ॐ भद्रं कर्णेभिः श्रुणुयाम देवाः। भद्रं पश्येमाक्शभिर्यजत्राः। स्थिरैरङ्गैस्तुष्टुवांसस्तनूभिः। व्यशेम देवहितं यदायुः॥ ॐ स्वस्ति न इन्द्रो वृद्धश्रवाः। स्वस्ति नः पूषा विश्ववेदाः। स्वस्ति नस्तार्क्श्यो अरिष्टनेमिः। स्वस्ति नो बृहस्पतिर्दधातु। ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः॥ |
om bhadraṁ karṇebhiḥ śruṇuyāma devāḥ | bhadraṁ paśyemākśabhiryajatrāḥ | sthirairaṅgaistuṣṭuvāṁsastanūbhiḥ | vyaśema devahitaṁ yadāyuḥ || om svasti na indro vṛddhaśravāḥ | svasti naḥ pūṣā viśvavedāḥ | svasti nastārkśyo ariṣṭanemiḥ | svasti no bṛhaspatirdadhātu | om śāntiḥ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ || |
O ye Gods, may we hear with our ears (always) what is auspicious; O Worshipful Ones, may we with our eyes see (always) what is auspicious. May we live the entire length of our allotted life hale and hearty, offering our praises (unto Thee). May Indra, the ancient and famous, Sun(Pusan) the all knowing, the Lord of swift motion(Vayu) who saves us from all harms and Brihaspati who protects the spiritual wealth in us—bless us(with intellectual strength to understand the scriptures and the heroic heart to follow the teachings). Om Peace be; peace be; peace be. |
Chanted for Prasna, Mundaka, Mandookya, Kaivalya, Soorya, Ganapatyatharvaseersha, Amrita Bindu upanishads. |
ॐ वाङ्मे मनसि प्रतिष्ठिता। मनो मे वाचि प्रतिष्ठितम्। आविराविर्म एधि। वेदस्य म आणीस्थः। श्रुतं मे मा प्रहासीः। अनेनाधीतेनाहोरात्रान् संदधामि। ऋतं वदिष्यामि सत्यं वदिष्यामि। तन्मामवतु तद्वक्तारमवतु। अवतु मामवतु वक्तारम्॥ ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः॥ |
om vāṅme manasi pratiṣṭhitā | mano me vāci pratiṣṭhitam | āvirāvirma edhi | vedasya ma āṇīsthaḥ | śrutaṁ me mā prahāsīḥ | anenādhītenāhorātrān saṁdadhāmi | ṛtaṁ vadiṣyāmi satyaṁ vadiṣyāmi | tanmāmavatu tadvaktāramavatu | avatu māmavatu vaktāram || om śāntiḥ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ || |
Chanted for Aitreya upanishad. |
ॐ आप्यायंतु ममांगानि वाक्प्राणश्चक्शुःश्रोत्रम्। अथो बलमिन्द्रियाणि च सर्वाणि। सर्वं ब्रह्मौपनिषदं माहं ब्रह्मनिराकुर्याम्। मा मा ब्रह्मनिराकरोदनिराकरणमस्तु। अनिराकरणं मेस्तु। तदात्मनि निरते य उपनिषत्सु धर्मास्ते मयि संतु। ते मयि संतु॥ ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः॥ |
om āpyāyaṁtu mamāṁgāni vākprāṇaścakśuḥśrotram | atho balamindriyāṇi ca sarvāṇi | sarvaṁ brahmaupaniṣadaṁ māhaṁ brahmanirākuryām | mā mā brahmanirākarodanirākaraṇamastu | anirākaraṇaṁ mestu | tadātmani nirate ya upaniṣatsu dharmāste mayi saṁtu | te mayi saṁtu || om śāntiḥ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ || |
May my limbs, speech, vital air, eyes, ears as well as strength and all sense organs become well developed! Everything is Brahman revealed in the Upanishads. May I not deny Brahman, may not Brahman deny me. Let there be no discarding of Brahman by me. May there be non-rejection of the Lord for me. In me who is committed to the pursuit of knowledge of Brahman, let there be all those qualities which are mentioned as qualifications in the Upanishads. Let those qualities be in me. |
Chanted for Chandogya Upanishad. |
स्वस्ति प्रजाभ्यः परिपालयन्ताम् । न्यायेन मार्गेण महीं महीशाः ॥ गोब्राह्मणेभ्यः शुभमस्तु नित्यं । लोकाः समस्ताः सुखिनो भवन्तु ॥ |
svasti prajābhyaḥ paripālayantām | nyāyena mārgeṇa mahīṁ mahīśāḥ || gobrāhmaṇebhyaḥ śubhamastu nityaṁ | lokāḥ samastāḥ sukhino bhavantu || |
May people be happy. May the kings righteously rule the earth. Let there be welfare for animals and men of wisdom (thinkers) at all times. May all be happy. |
काले वर्षतु पर्जन्यः। पृथिवी सस्यशालिनी ॥ देशोऽयं क्षोभरहितः ब्राह्मणास्सन्तु निर्भया ॥ |
kāle varṣatu parjanyaḥ | pṛthivī sasyaśālinī || deeśo'yaṁ kṣobharahitaḥ brāhmaṇāssantu nirbhayā || |
May it rain at the proper time. May the earth produce grains. May this country be free from famine. May men of contemplation (the thinkers, the brain trust of the country) be fearless. |
सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः । सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु मा कश्चिद् दुःखभाग् भवेत् ॥ |
sarve bhavantu sukhinaḥ sarve santu nirāmayāḥ | sarve bhadrāṇi paśyantu mā kaścid duḥkhabhāg bhavet || |
May all be happy; may all be healthy; may all enjoy prosperity; may none suffer. |
ॐ असतो मा सद्गमय । तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय । मृत्योर्मा अमृतं गमय । |
om asato mā sadgamaya|tamaso mā jyotirgamaya | mṛtyormā amṛtaṁ gamaya | |
Lead me (by giving the knowledge) from unreal (apparent) to the real; from darkness (of ignorance) to light (of knowledge); (and) from death (sense of limitation) to immortality (limitlessness, liberation). |